• Fee review, tailored benchmarking

    This investor engaged bfinance to benchmark the fees paid to their external investment managers. As part of the value-for-money analysis, bfinance created tailored benchmarks for each manager.

  • Sharia-compliant Strategic Asset Allocation

    A Saudi Arabian endowment sought to revamp its investment policy statement to reflect its evolving financial goals—and then develop a Shariah-compliant strategic asset allocation (SAA), accompanied by a multi-year deployment plan, to

  • Due Diligence, US Direct Lending

    A UK local government investor appointed bfinance to conduct due diligence before seeding a new fund being launched by one of is incumbent managers. The strategy was the manager’s first fund dedicated purely to US Corporate Senior

  • Risk exposures, diversification and absolute return

    The client engaged bfinance Risk Solutions to provide holistic portfolio risk reporting, following the selection of a group of alternative absolute return managers that were intended to improve portfolio diversification. The investor
