Asset class coverage:
real estate

Real estate specialists provide support across all parts of this diverse asset class, ranging from core/core-plus to value-added and opportunistic strategies. This team also covers related real assets such as Agriculture and Timberland.

RealEstate Opportunistic REITs Value Add Core/ Core+ RE Debt Bridging & Construction RMBS & CMBS Mezzanine Stretch Senior Senior Debt Sector Specific Diversified Impact Sector Specific  Diversified Impact Distressed Development Corporate REIT Debt Income Growth

Real assets manager searches

billion in searches

Real estate manager research

Strategy choice is crucial to successful outcomes in real estate, with wide performance dispersion and moderately high illiquidity. In Manager Research and Selection, we support investors in identifying the managers that best suit their needs—such as income requirements, diversification objectives, the resources available for oversight and governance, ESG reporting and knowledge transfer.

Property as an asset class is evolving rapidly, with different strategies and structures becoming available to investors. Client-customized, extensive market search processes enable our clients to gain a full and current understanding of available opportunities, from ‘impact’ real estate and niche thematic funds to broad diversified strategies that span unlisted real estate, REITs and debt or combine property and infrastructure exposure in one solution. The bfinance manager search process also maximizes managers’ ability to innovate with new solutions where ‘off-the-shelf’ strategies may not fit investors’ specific needs.

Read more about ESG in Manager Research.

Real estate manager searches are led by the Private Markets group, which includes specialists in both Real Estate and Private Debt (including Real Estate Debt). Meanwhile, the firm’s Operational Due Diligence unit is also available to support implementation.

Optimizing real estate portfolios

In Portfolio Design and Strategic Asset Allocation, dedicated real estate specialists provide support to the bfinance Portfolio Solutions team on relevant engagements. This provides a strong, practical, ‘bottom-up’ perspective of the current availability and attractiveness of real asset strategies, complementing ‘top-down’ analysis and aiding the development of workable solutions that will be efficient to implement in practice.

Real estate and infrastructure researchers also provide targeted support on Fee Reviews, with live insights on industry pricing developments and practical day-to-day experience negotiating fees for our clients.

The ESG Advisory group can work closely with the asset class-focused research teams: real estate specialists provide relevant inputs based on the latest manager ESG data as well as insight on newer strategies that are dedicated to delivering Impact objectives alongside attractive financial returns.

Latest case studies

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