Asset class coverage:

Infrastructure specialists provide comprehensive support to investors across all parts of this increasingly mature and diverse asset class—equity and debt, listed and unlisted.

Infrastructure Infrastructure Debt Listed Infrastructure Core/Core+ Equity Value-Add Equity Renewables Opportunistic Sub-IG Investment Grade Small buyouts Mid-cap buyouts Large-cap buyouts Mega buyouts Sector Specific Diversified Sector Specific Diversified Diversified ESG Focused

Real assets manager searches

billion in searches

Infrastructure manager research

In Manager Research and Selection, we support investors in identifying strategies and managers that fit their specific needs within infrastructure investment.

The infrastructure asset class has evolved dramatically over the past decade. Sectors such as infrastructure mezzanine debt and infrastructure secondaries are becoming increasingly credible for institutional investors. Fund structures are changing, with a growing emphasis on open-end products. The ‘renewables’ space has drawn great attention amid widespread focus on climate change. Even parameters and definitions of ‘infrastructure’ continue to move, with a strong focus today on themes such as digital infrastructure and smart grid technology.

Client-customized, extensive market search processes enable our clients to gain a deep and up-to-date understanding of the opportunities that are available now. High transparency maximizes investor education and knowledge transfer.

The team works with an extremely broad range of investors (insurers, pension funds, endowments, wealth managers and more) across the globe. They use infrastructure within portfolios to address a wide variety of objectives: strong and stable yields, growth, portfolio diversification, inflation sensitivity, climate impact and achieving a low cost of capital under implications of a changing regulatory landscape, to name just a few.

Infrastructure manager searches are typically led by the Private Markets group. Asset class specialists work closely with experts in Private Debt and Public Equity to provide the relevant expertise in areas such as Infrastructure Debt and Listed Infrastructure. The firm’s Operational Due Diligence unit is also available to support implementation.

Improving portfolio outcomes

In Portfolio Design and Strategic Asset Allocation, infrastructure specialists provide expert support to the bfinance Portfolio Solutions team on relevant engagements. This provides ‘bottom-up’ perspective on today’s landscape of infrastructure investment strategies, complementing ‘top-down’ analysis and aiding the development of workable solutions that will be efficient to implement in practice.

Infrastructure researchers also provide targeted support on Fee Reviews, with live insights on fee trends within the relevant areas of the market and practical experience negotiating fees for investors day-to-day.

The ESG Advisory group can work closely with our Infrastructure specialists, supporting detailed analysis of managers’ ESG capabilities and providing clients with clear insight on relevant trends—including the emergence of newer strategies that are designed to address ‘impact’ goals alongside attractive financial returns.

Latest case studies

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