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Operational Due Diligence, Real Estate
A prominent public sector pension fund sought support in conducting a thorough ODD assessment of an existing investment in a European Core Plus Real Estate strategy. The manager in question had extended the fund’s investment period on
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Portfolio & Manager Review
A UK pension fund appointed bfinance to support them in the review and potential reconfiguration of its active global equity and multi-asset credit portfolios.
Equity Portfolio Review and Global Value Equity Search
The investor, a European public pension fund, was keen to conduct a review of their international equity portfolio, which included a roster of external active and passive managers.
Portfolio Solutions – Fee Review, Public Markets
The client, an Australian pension scheme, was under mounting pressure from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), who is responsible for collecting and publishing the performance and costs of superannuation funds.
Global Equity – Thematic ESG & Impact
The client, an Italian pension fund, was looking to make an inaugural equity investment in an impact equity strategy or a thematic equity strategy focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Multi-Sector Fixed Income – Leveraged Finance
This UK pension scheme was seeking to benchmark the fees being paid to more than a dozen managers across 20-plus strategies in public markets, alternatives and private markets given the scheme’s rapid growth in assets under management
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Tactical Asset Allocation and Currency Overlay
This investor previously had a TAA overlay on regional equities and bonds but not on international investments. Here, they sought to extend this approach to the international portfolio—and also consider an FX overlay—in order to drive
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Infrastructure Fund of Funds
An Italian pension fund was seeking to allocate EUR 40 million to one or more infrastructure fund of funds managers who could provide diversified exposure to global markets, targeting mid- to high-single-digit returns. This was the
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Multi Asset Credit
A UK LGPS was seeking to invest up to £80 million (US$105 million) in a multi asset credit solution using one manager. Pooled funds were preferred with new launches considered, so long as they met a return target of cash plus 4%-5%
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European Equity, ESG Focus
A Pension Fund in the Benelux region sought a pan-European equity manager for a EUR 55 million mandate that spanned both EU and non-EU equity markets. ESG was the driving force behind this search: the manager being replaced had been
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Private Equity, Regional Impact
A leading UK corporate pension plan was contemplating an investment in a manager’s second infrastructure fund, having already invested in the first. Although the manager was offering an extremely compelling fee discount to first-close
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Alternative Credit
The investor mandated bfinance to search for an alternative credit strategy with a view to investing c. AUD 50 million through a pooled fund. A typical return expectation for this type of strategy is cash + 4-6%.
Mid-Market Buyout Private Equity
A Swiss public pension plan was looking to invest in a mid-market buyout manager. Preferences: >EUR500m fund size, Fund IV onwards. Returns objectives: 10% - 15% net IRR. They were ideally looking for exposure to three continents (US,
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European Real Estate
The investor mandated bfinance to search for an alternative credit strategy with a view to investing c. AUD 50 million through a pooled fund. A typical return expectation for this type of strategy is cash + 4-6%.
Global Real Estate
The investor mandated bfinance to search for an alternative credit strategy with a view to investing c. AUD 50 million through a pooled fund. A typical return expectation for this type of strategy is cash + 4-6%.
Real Estate - Nordics
A German pension fund with considerable expertise in real estate lacked expertise in a specific niche market (Nordics) and wanted to unearth strong real estate managers covering that region. The €50m planned investment was doubled by
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Emerging Market Debt
The UK Local Government Pension Scheme client sought an EMD manager that successfully blended emerging market hard currency (sovereign and corporates) and local currency within a standalone portfolio, with a view to investing £300
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This Dutch institutional investor sought to allocate approximately EUR 110m to an enhanced passive commodities strategy targeting a c. 1.5% p.a. outperformance of the BCOM commodities index with a tracking error of not more than 5%
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Renewable Energy Infrastructure
The investor, a UK public pension fund, aimed to identify renewable energy-focused infrastructure funds and invest $80-100 million. Target return: 8-12%, including cash yield.
Smart Beta
This German investor sought to invest EUR 100m starting volume with a target volume of EUR 250m in a multi-factor smart beta strategy.