• Investment Management Fees: Fairness Revisited

    Amid macroeconomic shifts and changes in the investment industry, fees and alignment of interest require fresh attention. This Investment Management Fees report considers the latest fee data and

  • Money for Nothing? Hedge Funds Haven’t Budged on Hurdle Rates (Yet)

    Although two years have now passed since the Federal Reserve started rapidly hiking interest rates, the likelihood that your hedge fund manager will have a ‘hurdle rate’ for their performance

  • Endowment & Foundation Investment Survey

    In October 2023, 61 senior endowment, foundation and charity/nonprofit investors across 16 countries contributed data and insights for this global study. This community has long been recognised

  • Transaction Cost Analysis: Has Transparency Really Improved?

    Transaction cost analysis (TCA) awareness is on the rise, with equity and bond investors increasingly recognising trading as a key area of leakage.

  • Asset Owner Survey: Investors’ Costs and Fees

    Investors are grappling with cost management challenges amid persistent inflation, heightened ESG requirements and regulatory burdens. To find out more, bfinance surveyed nearly 200 asset owners

  • Investment Management Fees: Capturing Price Evolution

    The latest edition in bfinance’s biennial Investment Management Fees series. New analysis highlights areas where investors may be able to benefit from pricing trends, with ESG/Impact at the

  • Wealth Manager Investment Survey

    A new study, featuring data from 120 wealth managers around the globe, identifies significant changes in investment capabilities, ESG integration and strategy.

  • Asset Owner Investment Vehicles - Sector in Brief

    More investors are launching a dedicated investment vehicle to house assets rather than investing in a wide range of pooled funds, separately managed accounts or ‘funds-of-one’. Find out more

  • China A-Shares: Sector in Brief

    Amid the escalating US/China trade war, no asset class has endured more collateral damage than Chinese equities. Yet active managers have delivered stronger results. This brief research note

  • Securitised Credit: Sector in Brief

    Securitised credit is attracting heightened attention from investors in the ‘lower for even longer’ climate. Read about the latest developments and available investment strategies, including a

  • Real Asset Debt: Lessons from Manager Selection

    With a wave of pension and insurance investors entering real estate debt or infrastructure debt for the first time, three “DNA of a Manager Search” case studies provide practical insights into an

  • How Can Trustees Ensure Value for Money?

    How can pension fund trustees provide effective governance on the subject of cost? Ensuring value for money is central to fulfilling fiduciary duty.

  • Tackling Hidden Costs in FX Management

    All investors experience significant – and often hidden – performance erosion as a result of routine FX trading, whether it’s carried out directly or via external parties. What’s the true cost,

  • Railpen Pursues Smart Insourcing

    In 2019, RPMI Railpen insourced the majority of factor investing strategies in its equity management programme. It is the latest milestone in a five-year journey towards understanding value for

  • Investment Management Fees: Is Competition Working?

    The latest edition in bfinance’s biennial Investment Management Fees series. New analysis highlights areas where investors may be able to benefit from pricing trends, with ESG/Impact at the

  • What Does “Paying for Alpha” Really Mean?

    “Paying alpha fees for beta performance” has become an investor bugbear. This has created a need to differentiate more carefully between outperformance derived from established risk factors and

  • Insurer Pioneers New Model for Investment Delegation

    Amid the trend towards outsourced investment models such as fiduciary management, outsourced CIO (“OCIO”) and implemented consulting, Coface has developed a different approach – one that lets

  • Tackling Hidden Costs in US Private Debt

    Private debt investors are increasingly turning towards US opportunities. Yet the structures used by managers can create substantial undisclosed leakage for clients.

  • REITs - Sector in Brief

    Noting a rise in client demand for REITs, we explore some of the recent developments in this sector and highlight key implementation considerations.

  • On the Hunt for Liquid Alternatives

    Diversification is a very personal property. The definition of a good diversifier varies with each investor’s existing exposures, liquidity profile and risk tolerance, as well as the market


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