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Operational Due Diligence, Multi-Asset Credit
A reinsurer was looking to increase its allocation to multi-asset credit and took the opportunity to review (and potentially replace) its incumbent manager.
Global Shariah Equity
The client, a Middle Eastern insurance company, was seeking Shariah-compliant active global equity solutions, to be be managed in a segregated account structure (‘Discretionary Portfolio Management’ account).
Global Small Cap Equity
This investor was making their first allocation to global small-cap equities and willing to consider any investment approach (systematic or discretionary) and any style, with a preference for an unconstrained investment mindset rather
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Developing a Responsible Investment Policy
A mid-sized global insurer was seeking to align themselves with ‘best practice’ in incorporating appropriate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into their investment approach.
Private Credit – Trade Finance
The client, a Bermuda-based reinsurance company, engaged bfinance to conduct a comprehensive review of global trade finance managers—including those with strategies focused on receivables or supply chain finance—with the goal of
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Infrastructure and Inflation Sensitivity
An international non-life insurer/re-insurer with a growing book of assets sought to identify suitable infrastructure managers as part of their first allocation to private market investments.
Fixed Income – US Short Duration High Yield
This UK-based international property and casualty insurance group was seeking to invest USD140 million with one manager running a US-centric short duration, high yield bond portfolio. The insurer wanted to target BB-rated bonds
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Impact Real Estate – Social Housing
The client, a UK endowment, was looking to allocate GBP 20 million to Impact Real Estate, focusing on affordable housing. Although the client indicated a minimum return requirement of 8% per annum, its management team wanted to
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Core Fixed Income
The client, a European multinational property and casualty (P&C) insurer, was looking to re-tender a multi-billion-dollar, multi-currency fixed income portfolio invested in high-quality, short-duration bonds to new asset managers and
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Real Estate Alternatives
The client, a US Insurer, was intending to allocate up to USD 50 million to ‘alternative’ real estate sectors in the US through one or more commingled funds. These sectors included residential assets, such as single-family rentals and
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Global Equity, Quality Style
A UK-based, globally known insurance brand hired bfinance to identify a global equity manager with a clear “quality” focus. The investor held three external managers in its global equity portfolio, split into three distinct style
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Leveraged Loans
A Middle Eastern insurance company wished to invest in approximately USD 100 million in Leveraged Loans, with a focus on senior secured debt.