• Getting Real on Real Asset Returns

    The Teck Resources pension plans have been investing in infrastructure for thirteen years and real estate for

  • REITs - Sector in Brief

    Noting a rise in client demand for REITs, we explore some of the recent developments in this sector and highlight key implementation considerations.

  • Going Global in Real Estate

    For many years, real estate investment has retained a chronic home bias. Today, international diversification is on the rise. So why are there still so few “global” real estate funds, and what

  • Sector in Brief: Private Market Secondaries

    Secondaries are changing. As investor capital has flooded towards illiquid asset classes, one outcome has been a transformation in the secondary markets. Before, secondaries were predominantly a

  • Rethinking Real Assets

    While the post-GFC phase was marked by diversification towards real assets, recent years have seen greater emphasis on diversification within real assets. How beneficial is this type of


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