Mettre le pouvoir entre les mains des investisseurs
Anna Morrison

Anna Morrison

Directeur principal, Marchés non cotés

Anna a rejoint l'équipe Marchés non cotés de bfinance en 2020 en tant que Managing Director chargée de la recherche sur le capital-investissement. Elle possède une vaste expérience dans l'investissement et la gestion de programmes mondiaux de private equity pour les investisseurs institutionnels, y compris la recherche et la due diligence à travers les stratégies et les géographies. Avant de rejoindre bfinance, elle était directrice d'investissement chez IFM Investors, où elle a travaillé pendant plus de 19 ans à partir de l'Australie, puis du Royaume-Uni. Elle a occupé plus de 10 postes au sein de conseils consultatifs pour des programmes de capital-investissement allant de 180 millions de dollars à environ 1 milliard de dollars.

Market intelligence:

Amid macroeconomic shifts and changes in the investment industry, fees and alignment of interest require fresh attention. This Investment Management Fees report considers the latest fee data and...

GP Staking – a Private Equity strategy characterised by investments in alternative asset managers and an unusual yield-generative profile – is currently drawing outsized coverage in industry press.

bfinance’s quarterly report in May 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major asset...

The 2023-4 period has brought new challenges for institutional investors, affecting both strategy and investment manager selection – the task of identifying the right products and the right partners...

Although two years have now passed since the Federal Reserve started rapidly hiking interest rates, the likelihood that your hedge fund manager will have a ‘hurdle rate’ for their performance fees...

Pension regulators around the globe are sending clear messages that investors must strengthen their operational frameworks and that trustees can be held accountable if they do not.

Four years ago, Listed Real Assets (LRA) boasted some of the strongest long-term risk-adjusted returns of any asset class. However, just as LRA was gaining industry recognition as a defined sector,...

bfinance’s quarterly report in February 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major...