Mettre le pouvoir entre les mains des investisseurs
  • Fund Fee Review

    The superannuation fund wanted to review the management fees they were paying for investment services considering the performance achieved, with the aim of securing better commercial terms. While the fund had been invested with many

  • Global ESG Equity

    The asset owner, a Nordic private pension plan, was seeking one global ESG equity manager to complement their existing global equity allocation. The investor was open to all management and investment styles. The investor required a

  • Global Impact Equity

    The investor was looking to upgrade their sustainable ESG offering to a stronger impact proposition which could demonstrate positive impact contributions across multiple sustainable development goals, measurable additionality, strong

  • Equity Portfolio Design

    The investor, a Canadian pension plan, engaged bfinance to reassess the design of their existing equity portfolio, with the aim to suggest fresh approaches that would be diversified across risk factors and geographies and provide a

  • Currency Overlay

    This Canadian investor was seeking to manage their non-CAD exposures through a dynamic (non-passive) currency overlay, with an emphasis on risk management as opposed to 'currency alpha'.

  • Private Markets Portfolio Monitoring

    This investor was seeking to improve their approach to monitoring private markets strategies. Their private markets portfolio consisted of three multi-manager funds (Real Estate, Private Debt and diversified Private Markets), with

  • Fee Benchmarking and Strategic Support

    This UK pension scheme was seeking to benchmark the fees being paid to more than a dozen managers across 20-plus strategies in public markets, alternatives and private markets given the scheme’s rapid growth in assets under management

  • Social Impact in Real Estate

    This investor, a local government pension fund, was looking to invest GBP 45 million in Private Market strategies with high social impact—a new, dedicated impact allocation separate from its broader portfolio.

  • Focused ODD Assessment, Private Equity

    The investor, a German public pension scheme, was conducting a search for a global private equity manager and was in the process of reviewing four finalists ahead of investment. In order to support Operational Due Diligence, they

  • Operational Due Diligence, US Equity

    The investor, a Dutch corporate pension scheme, was seeking outside support to review the operating environments of four finalist managers for two US equity mandates. The client had historically performed site visits as part of its

  • Global Emerging Markets Small-Cap Equity

    This client, an Australian superannuation fund, was making its first dedicated allocation to small-cap stocks in emerging markets (EM). The mandate was intended to serve as a high alpha component of the pension fund’s overall equity

  • Global Small-Cap Equity

    The client, an Australian superannuation fund, engaged bfinance to identify high-alpha global small-cap equity strategies to complement its existing roster of large- and all-cap managers investing globally across developed and emerging

  • Global Equity – Thematic ESG & Impact

    The client, an Italian pension fund, was looking to make an inaugural equity investment in an impact equity strategy or a thematic equity strategy focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

  • Open-ended Infrastructure

    This Canadian Defined Contribution pension scheme was making their debut allocation to unlisted infrastructure. The plan’s structure necessitated a focus on open-ended strategies.

  • Portfolio Solutions – Strategic Asset Allocation

    This client, a Belgian pension fund, sought bfinance’s help in reviewing the appropriateness of its current strategic asset allocation (SAA) relative to its investment objectives.

  • Multi-Sector Fixed Income – Leveraged Finance

    This UK pension scheme was seeking to benchmark the fees being paid to more than a dozen managers across 20-plus strategies in public markets, alternatives and private markets given the scheme’s rapid growth in assets under management

  • Tactical Asset Allocation and Currency Overlay

    This investor previously had a TAA overlay on regional equities and bonds but not on international investments. Here, they sought to extend this approach to the international portfolio—and also consider an FX overlay—in order to drive

  • Real Assets – Timberland

    This client, a German private sector pension fund, was looking to gain global exposure to a specific real asset: timberland. Since the allocation was the client’s first to this sector, the manager search process involved helping the

  • Portfolio Solutions – Fee Review (Competitive assessment and fee negotiation)

    This client, a Dutch private pension scheme, asked bfinance to partner with its in-house investment team to assess the fees paid to its external asset managers and negotiate lower rates.

  • Portfolio Solutions – Private Pension Fee Review

    This client, an Australian pension scheme, sought assistance to conduct a full value-for-money review of the management fees it was paying for investment services.