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Top Investor Surveys Part Ways on Asset Allocation Expectations
Credible asset owner surveys can be a useful source of insight for both investors and the asset managers/advisers that serve them. Their headline findings often tend to focus on expected changes
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Investor Spotlight: New London CIV CIO Champions Client-centred Thinking
Last month brought the announcement of a new Chief Investment Officer for London CIV – one of the eight asset pooling companies for the UK’s Local Government Pension Scheme, and the one with by
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Investor Spotlight: Blue Sky Pioneers Integrated Portfolio Management
The Dutch pension industry is undergoing seismic shifts. Long-anticipated reforms enacted in July 2023 ushered in a Defined Contribution system that is set to be unique among global counterparts.
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Endowment & Foundation Investment Survey
In October 2023, 61 senior endowment, foundation and charity/nonprofit investors across 16 countries contributed data and insights for this global study. This community has long been recognised
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DACH Investor Trends in Focus
Asset owner data from bfinance’s biennial Global Asset Owner Survey: Traps and Transitions reveals key differences
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Global Asset Owner Survey: Traps and Transitions
A secular macroeconomic transition has created an unenviable series of choices—and potential traps— for pension funds, insurers, endowments, foundations, family offices and other ‘asset owners’
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UK Investor Snap Poll Reveals Shift in Allocation Intentions
A quick poll of UK Asset Owners on October 18-19 2022 suggests a significant change in expectations for asset class exposures over the next year, versus a survey conducted one month prior. A
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Portfolio Protection and Overlays: Time for a Rethink?
Following the considerable market losses endured in the first half of 2022, investors are taking the opportunity to weigh their own results and reassess resilience. Portfolio diversification,
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Snap Poll: What are investors thinking now?
Institutional investors around the globe shared how they are responding to pressing geopolitical and macroeconomic developments. With 418 investors from 39 countries taking place at the end of
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Insurer Investment Survey
The bfinance 2022 Insurer Investment Survey provides a detailed look at key changes in insurance firms’ investment portfolios, risk exposures and resourcing/implementation.
Wealth Manager Investment Survey
A new study, featuring data from 120 wealth managers around the globe, identifies significant changes in investment capabilities, ESG integration and strategy.
Asset Owner Survey: Managing through Uncertainty
As the global pandemic unfolds, 368 investors representing $11 trillion in assets share their lessons learned, key portfolio changes and expectations for the year.
Five Levers for Reducing Equity Risk
The latest edition in bfinance’s biennial Investment Management Fees series. New analysis highlights areas where investors may be able to benefit from pricing trends, with ESG/Impact at the
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How Alberta Teachers’ is Investing ‘Between the Seams’
The quest for diversification plus returns is not an easy one in today’s investment climate: many strategies that provide low correlation with equities are falling short on performance. The
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How QSuper Halved Risk Without Losing Return
Inspired by risk parity strategies and illiquid-focused endowments, Australia’s second largest superannuation fund is pioneering a radically different approach.
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