Olivier Cassin

Olivier Cassin

Managing Director, Head of Investments and Research

Olivier Cassin is Head of Investments and Research, waar hij leiding geeft aan de researchafdeling van het kantoor. Hij werkt sinds 2023 weer bij bfinance, nadat hij eerder van 2000 tot 2014 bij het kantoor werkte. Voordat hij terugkeerde naar het kantoor bekleedde hij leidinggevende functies bij BNY Mellon, waar hij leiding gaf aan het Britse en Europese institutionele salesteam en meer recentelijk aan Client Solutions, en bij Lyxor Asset Management als hoofd van de Britse institutionele sales. Olivier werkt sinds 1994 in de financiële dienstverlening. Hij heeft een MBA van Aston Business School en een MSc in Management van Kedge/Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Bordeaux.

More insights from the team:

bfinance’s quarterly report in May 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major asset...

The 2023-4 period has brought new challenges for institutional investors, affecting both strategy and investment manager selection – the task of identifying the right products and the right partners...

Although two years have now passed since the Federal Reserve started rapidly hiking interest rates, the likelihood that your hedge fund manager will have a ‘hurdle rate’ for their performance fees...

Pension regulators around the globe are sending clear messages that investors must strengthen their operational frameworks and that trustees can be held accountable if they do not.

Four years ago, Listed Real Assets (LRA) boasted some of the strongest long-term risk-adjusted returns of any asset class. However, just as LRA was gaining industry recognition as a defined sector,...

bfinance’s quarterly report in February 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major...

Strong market fundamentals and climate impact potential have driven a surge in institutional investor demand for ‘natural capital’ such as timberland, agriculture and ‘nature-based solutions.’ This...

In October 2023, 61 senior endowment, foundation and charity/nonprofit investors across 16 countries contributed data and insights for this global study. This community has long been recognised for...